Saturday, May 25, 2013

We're HERE!!!

After a very long journey we finally arrived to my mom's late Thursday night. Alexa did an AMAZING job on the plane. She ate, she slept, she played...rinse and repeat, for the entire flight. I'm so proud and so happy that she wasn't the screaming baby on the plane! (Yup, we had one of those...and a screaming toddler.)

Everyone was waiting for us when we got to my mom's - my Pop, his wife, my cousins, my nephew, my aunt and if course my mom, brother and stepdad. It was so great to see everyone and they of course were so excited to see Alexa. Alexa, however, was exhausted and cranky and not in the mood for visitors. I'm sure next time she sees everyone will go much better. It was just very overwhelming after a long day of traveling.

We've got so much going on the next couple of days, but I wanted to put up a quick post. I hope everyone has a nice weekend in Austria and a great long weekend in the US!

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